Hashtaggers are really ticking me off…

Is it just me or are there more and more people become hashtaggers? What is a hashtagger you ask? It’s a vulgar term that I use for all the Twitter spammers who use excessive #hashtags in an attempt to get people to view their profile page and possibly follow them.

For instance I was doing a search for #writer and ran across this tweet…

#journalism sucks! #politics is nice to watch 😛 Don’t believe the #writer #journalist of the #nytimes, #media

There was a link attached that I have removed but of what use is this tweet other than to grab a number of trending topics at the time. Generally when you look at the profile page of a hashtagger you’ll generally find a number of spam links. I love using the new report spam feature at Twitter to not only block them but also reporting these buggers to the Twitter admins. Hopefully they do some investigation and suspension of accounts.

Stupid hashtaggers…


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