Once upon a time I was a die hard Blackberry user. Being in the newspaper industry for so many years, this beautiful little piece of technology was essential in keeping in touch with my bosses and staff alike 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When I left the business two years ago I decided to try and live without RIM’s highly addictive tool that was once a big part of my life. I even wrote a blog post about my life without a Blackberry when it first happened. Continue reading “My Life Without My Crackberry”
My life without a Blackberry
My last day for my previous employer was this past Thursday and at the end of the day I turned in my Blackberry. As part of my position I was required to have it on me at all times and be available for emergency calls 24/7. It was something that I was reluctant to accept at first but I can recall being very curious about the device that had been aptly nicknamed “Crackberry”.
Continue reading “My life without a Blackberry”